Sunday, May 29, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2 is a superb entertainer

Funny thing - I got inside the hall and realized that it was 3D version!!!

I'll admit it... I hate the whole 3D brigade. After Avatar, i haven't enjoyed any 3D movie because of dirty glasses that you have to wear which becomes strenuous after a while and then we have movies which used 3D as a selling gimmick and there isn't anything 3D in the movie. Coming back to the topic of Kung Fu Panda, it was a happy accident that i booked a 3D show and it was worth it. Its was a full 3D experience and used very well throughout the film.

After becoming the Dragon warrior, Po (the panda) and the Furious Five team up for all threats to the region. But this time he's confronted with the evil peacock Shen who had killed Po's parents when he was a baby, and panda does not clearly remember these events and the visions from his past keep bothering him. Shen is trying to take over China with his destructive canon and wants to end the existence of Kung Fu.

The plot is serious but is garnished by really funny situations especially the food/fat jokes about Po. There is a scene where Po and furious five are trying to use "stealth" to get into the city when panda bangs into every visible object and gets noticed. The movie keeps you in splits for the most part but the movie shows a lot of conflict in emotions of getting to know your sad past and finding inner peace. Even the tigress from furious five is shown as soft character this time.

And of course there is a lot more action, superb use of 3D to add to the action sequences. The jumping off the cliffs during fight in the start is more real in 3D and the scenes wher all the old legendary fighters fight together is exhilarating. The last fight sequence of Po fighting the canonballs is one of the most impressive ones you'll see.

Watch it for full on entertainment.

Rating: 7/10

1 comment:

  1. DOn't Like Jack Black-Gets to me after a while, repetition ad infinitum!
